December 3, 2011

Sisterly Love

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We got about five more inches of snow here and tonight is supposed to be the coldest night since February.  As a total cold wimp, I was not a happy camper.  Patrick had drill and Kaden had went sledding with friends.  After my extremely stressful day yesterday, coupled with my plan to clean my house tomorrow and intensified by my complete laziness, I stayed in my pajamas watching Bridesmaids yet again for the majority of the morning.

I did, however, manage to make it out to the grand ole town of Miliken to visit my sister.  She has offered to do the invitations, programs, escort cards, etc. for my wedding. 

To tell you the truth, I am a bit wedding-ed out.  I mean, we don't have much time to go look at venues, so we therefore do not have a date still.  We don't have the money right now with Christmas coming to book anything or buy dresses or anything like that.  And, quite frankly, I feel that my ideas and thoughts have fallen to the wayside to those with other ideas of what my wedding should be. 

But, we played in her extensive craft room for a few hours with every kind of paper, stamps, ribbons, stickers and pretty much anything you could possibly imagine.  My sister is very artistic, creative and a genius when it comes to all the ins and outs of this stuff.  It was really relieving and fun to do some crafts with her and have our ideas come together. 

And of course the highlight of my trip to M-town was playing with my two young nieces, Anya (six) and Emma (almost three).  Those girls are so sweet, polite, kind, loving and just plain adorable.  I was very pleased to have them join us in the fun.  I even got some pictures to bring home from them and hang on my fridge!

One unpleasant part of my journey to the great wide open was being pulled over.  I swear, I seem to have a knack for this, but this time, I swear I wasn't even speeding!  This cop flipped a bitch, raced up behind me, almost turned left and then decided to pull me over because I didn't have a front license plate.  He didn't give me a ticket or anything, but I was just like "really?  Is that all you guys have to do out here?  Waste my time pulling me over for something so trivial as that?"

Something that was pretty cool last night was that my dad came over to my house for dinner.  He built Kaden his own dirt bike and brought it over for hmi last night.  I don't get a lot of time with my dad, but every time that I get to spend some time with him, I remember how funny he is.  It was a pretty good way to end the day for sure.  Especially when my son's face lit up brighter than any Clark Griswold house I have ever seen when he gave it to him.

As far as the outfit, this is something that I just threw together before heading out to my sisters.  Call me a weirdo, but I like to dress really edgy when I go out to "the farmland."  Must just be my Aquarian nature of wanting to stand out. 

I took my pictures in front of a small church on the side of Highway 60.  It is so quaint, cute and was pleasantly abandoned on this Saturday afternoon.  But perhaps if I would have left a bit later/earlier, I wouldn't have had the pleasure of running into Johnstown's finest. ;-)

Purple Skinny Jeans-gifted; Gold Silk Top-Jones New York, thrifted; Faux Fur Vest-gifted and DIY; Folded Boots-Forever 21; Butterfly Cuff-souvenir from Four Corners; Gold Hoops-vintage from Grandma 

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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