I've always wanted to rock an afro, but my concern was that I didn't want to cut my hair to do so. I mean, I don't know what kind of maintenance it requires and what if I didn't like it? So, a couple of weeks ago, I did some research.
I found a YouTube tutorial on how to do an afro. (Dammit it all if I can't find the link now, of course.) This girl had hair about the same length as mine, but it was just a little wavy. Mine is curly to the max, so I thought this should be a cakewalk.
So, she had her hair damp, added volumizing product. Then she took a sheet of toilet paper (yep, toilet paper) and rag curled tiny strands of her hair and let it sit over night. Enter timelapse and she teased the holy guacamole out of it and BOOM full on fro.
Well, I ended my perfect Mother's Day with the movie The Help, which I had never seen and LOOOOOVED. (Seriously, if you haven't seen it yet, watch it.) It took the entire two hour movie to get all the little toilet paper sheets up in my hair. It didn't tie as well as in the video, but I used bobby pins. Then, I hairsprayed the hell out of it before I went to bed.
As you can tell, I got the curls just fine. The part where I flunked was on the teasing. I've never been a good hair teaser because, frankly, my hair usually needs less volume--not more. But even with all the work I put in, I am willing to give it another go next time. And it was kind of fun to have short curls for once.
This process made Patrick's year as he could mercilessly give me shit all night about having toilet paper in my hair. It was all in fun.
Something else fun about today was wearing my brand new jumpsuit from JCPenney. Remember when I told y'all that I ordered this last week? She arrived and it was better than I even remember. This jumpsuit is comfortable and really cute. I can't wait to try it sans white tee underneath during non-working days in the summer.
As for my Monday, it was pleasantly hellaciously busy for our office. We do a lot of collaborative law, which means our involvement in hearings are pretty few and far between.
But we do happen to have a trial tomorrow. Not that I like to see people go to trial, but I do love to prepare exhibit notebooks. I don't know why (other than I'm a big dork), but I have always loved assembling exhibit notebooks and it is something I am really good at.
And I love to be busy at work because that means that the time goes by much quicker. And I end my day with a sense of accomplishment. This is always good.
We had a busy night after work too involving Kumon and a trip to the store. My kids were good as gold. I am a firm believer that if you create positive energy with your kids, you get it back tenfold. It is not always easy to do, especially if you are dead tired and still fighting off a wicked cold *points to self*, but it always is rewarding.
Brielle volunteered to help me put the groceries away. Which is so cute (and helpful!!) because she is so meticulous in getting things in the perfect alignment. She put the yogurts away all labels out, perfectly spaced between each other and in even numbered lines.
Conner wanted to help cook dinner. We had spaghetti and meatballs and I let him make the meatballs, with some instruction of course. He did a phenomenal job and he was so proud of himself!
Kaden carried in all of the groceries from the car. In one trip. This kid had probably eight bags in each hand. It's so fun to see my kids grow from little lumps of cuteness to actual young adults. But still full of cuteness. ;-) Speaking of cuteness, Patrick already prenamed the title of this post last night and suggested the corresponding music. Also, please don't ever tell Patrick I used his name and cuteness in the same sentence or I will get more shit than I did before when my hair was full of toilet paper.

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