The first of the month at work = billing, which in turn = my busiest day of the month. And usually I don't even realize what day it is until my drive into work. It is then that all of a sudden I just blurt out "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge, it's the first of the month."
But it wasn't so bad today. Daryl was gone and now Peggy is gone so it was relatively quiet. This is always good for a billing day.
And quiet days lead to focusing on other things, like my quickly approaching wedding. I made a few phone calls. Which also led to finding out about 4,857 more things that I didn't think about that I now realize that I need to do.
Sally turns to me and tells me today that she can hardly believe that we are in the fifth month of the year already. "Whoooooooooa," I said. "That'll put it in perspective for ya all right."
Because I am running on a bit of a writing road block atm, I am going to share with you guys a funny story that happened to me last month.
So a while back, I hung out with my friend Cristi and her kiddos. Our kids were playing together, we were catching up on the last decade of our lives, you know, the usual. Well, Brielle is a very shy girl, you see. She was too bashful to ask where the bathroom was and . . . had an accident. Woopsie. But it's cool because Cristi let her borrow a pair of pants from her daughter.
I washed the pants and went to return them a few days later. I did so unannounced because, you know how I do--I got places to go so I dropped by on the fly.
I pull up the house and ring the bell. I knew that she is home because I hear the TV on and see the shadows of children running around the front window. Suddenly, I see her son's face peeking out of the curtain and I hear him say "Mom, there's a fancy lady outside."
Filled with glee over his commentary, I continue to wait. And wait. And wait some more. I know how it is as a mom, sometimes you have to stop answering the door to do some things, so I waited patiently. Suddenly, I see/hear the TV turn off and the children are still and silent.
That's when I realized something--this bitch thinks I'm a damn Jehovah Witness coming to badger her into salvation. And she was averting the crisis by suddenly pretending she wasn't home.
I texted her when I got in the car with the following: "Jesus saves"--or something to that affect. She LOL-ed back and told me that she thought that the pants I was holding was a Bible.
Now, I'm not trying to poke fun at religion at all. Believe what you want to believe and I will not hold it against you in any way. But I only ask the same consideration in return. I am not a religious person. But religious or not--that was damn funny.
I must just have the look of a good ole fashioned Christian word spreading lady because today I went to drop off the rent check (my landlord makes me physically drop off the check to her on the first of the month because she has been burned by tenants before re "the check's in the mail", super sucks).
Again, I was sitting at the doorstep waiting. Finally, her husband comes to the door and tells me that he almost didn't open it because he thought I was a Jehovah Witness. What the what?

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