May 30, 2012

Dressin' for My Profession


I am smiling in these pictures, but don't be fooled.  Today was full of ups and downs.  I know that a lot of bloggers like to post smiley pictures and play like life is all rainbows and macaroons (maybe it actually is, maybe it's actually not--I don't care either way.  I'm not here to judge.  I just like to look at clothes), but that just ain't me kid.  

Here's the sitch.  Patrick is out of the country up in Canada for business.  Now it should be said that, in all honesty, Patrick and I have a great relationship.  We see eye to eye on a lot of things and therefore the disagreements are pretty minimal.  

But sometimes, we do argue.  And I think it is mostly just to keep ourselves in check because when we do argue it seems to be over really stupid stuff.  (Anyone ever heard Dane Cook talk about Nothing Fights?  Right on the money.)  Last night while we were having our long distance I love you chats, we started arguing about puddle jumpers.  Don't ask.  It's a long story.  And even stupider when you hear the whole thing.

So I didn't wake up in a good mood.  Also, I enrolled Kaden in summer camp.  He is at that age (and maturity level) where he's ok to be home alone . . . but not all day.  I need somewhere that he can go whilest I make that pap-uh.  This is held through his (now former) elementary school and sounded money.  I mean field trips three times a week and activities in between.  

Well, we got there and he was the oldest kid in the program.  He was not enthused and shot me this look like I had just dropped him off at Barney Camp.  I felt awful, but I knew if he would give it a chance, he'd be aight.  Plus, I have no where else to turn for him.  

This left me even more in a bitter mood as I drove to work.  Work was dull and boring.  With Daryl gone, there is only so much that can be done in his absence and we've been dead.  Which was fine.  Until I started getting emails from Conner's dad which left me frustrated, to say the least.  I'm not going to go all Baby Mama drama on you.  You wouldn't even want to hear the full story but the bottom line is that the hope I had earlier this year that we could cooperate as a team for the kids is slowly disintegrating before my eyes. 

But as I said, there were some ups of the day.  For one, Dawn, Sally and I got to leave le office for a few hours today to trek down to the Court house for a seminar on the new electronic filing system.  I love to get out of the office, learn new things and have the opportunity to actually dress like I'm a professional.  Once in a while.  Plus, I got to use this amazing backdrop by the Court for my photos.  

Also, our office was getting the carpets cleaned at 3 which meant I got an early day.  Sure, they didn't make it until after 3:30, but it was still early.  

And when I picked Kaden up from summer camp, he had a smile on his face and seemed to have had a good time (though in his pre-teen way he told me it was only "alright").  They have a field trip tomorrow, so I think slowly but surely he will figure out that it could be worse.  

Not to mention, he has his first baseball game of the season tonight!  Of which, I am so stoked.  As a non-sports fan, there is nothing I love to do more in the summer than watch my son work the baseball field.  He is in his element and I am the luckiest mom in the world!

 Graphic A-Line Skirt-Worthington, thrifted; Taupe Button Up-New York & Co., thrifted; Polka Dot Silk Scarf-thrifted; Two Tone Cap Toe Heels-Franco Sarto; Earrings-gifted
Don't forget to enter the eShakti giveaway!  It ends June 1!

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