August 14, 2013

Thursday Mixer (on a Wednesday)--Mint Sweater

 I loved this sweater so much when I bought it back in October that when I killed it on the space heater back in February, I immediately went on the search for a replacement.  And I found a very similar one at Target . . . which is where I bought the original one anyway.  Amazing.

October was only ten months away.  Both sweaters I believe were around $20.  Which would make the price per wear at this point about $2-ish, had I not had to buy 2.  But even with the $40 price tag of both sweaters, that's $5 ppw.  Not too shabby.

Top Left to Right-Now, 2, 3, 4
Bottom Left to Right-1, 2, 3, 4

 Also, I know that it is Wednesday and I usually do my remixes on Thursdays, but here's the thing.  I had a really cool giveaway planned for today.  But my hotmail account, along with millions of other users, is all jacked up.  And I can't get into my email to make sure I have all of the requirements in order to host it. 

 So hopefully it will be up tomorrow so I can host this giveaway.  I've already waited so long to host it as it is!  Oh internet, how concerning it is that we are forever found to be at your mercy.

Seriously, hotmail.  Get it together.

Mint Sweater-Target; Floral Leggings-Rue21, gifted by my sister; Combat Boots-L.E.I.; Mint Striped Socks-Target; Bag-Kohl's; Black Bandeau-Wal-Mart; Earrings-gifted; Bracelets-Kohl's, gifted by mom; Watch-gifted; Necklace-vintage from Grandma
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