October 9, 2011

Like Mother's Day . . . But Not

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Well, I hope all you lovlies have had an amazing weekend.  I sure did.  Allow me to recap . . .

This sheer button down was one of the treasures that I thrifted on Friday.  I instantly fell in love with it.  I have grown a not-so-healthy obsession with sheer tops. 

Friday night Pat and I found ourselves sans kiddos yet again.  During the school year, my younger two kids are usually at their dads on the weekends and Kaden is at the age where he is never home--always out and about at one friend's house or another.

Pat and I decided instead of being our typical homebody selves sittin' at home playin Scrabble, we would actually get out and socialize.  This was my first out of the house attempt to pull off a sheer top sans cami underneath.  I actually wore this on Friday night to go visit Pat's cousin.  I also wore this fedora, but forgot to bring it for pictures.  Figures.

Kaden had a 9:00 a.m. football game on Saturday morning.  That means he had to be at the field at 8:00 a.m.  The weather was absolutely atrocious.  It was pouring rain, blizzard-like winds and temps in the 30's.  I have to tip my hat to you diehard football fans out there--I could not comprehend why someone would voluntarily subject themselves to this kind of misery to watch a sport.  But, that's just me.  We came home soaked and chilled to the bone.  

As soon as we got home, I got into my comfies and declared that I was going to go lie down for a nap.  Well, I didn't mean to, but I ended up sleeping for four and a half hours!!!  It was glorious.  I woke up to a quiet house.  Wondering where Pat and Kaden were, I searched the house. 

As I opened the door to the garage, there they were, sitting in my car.  Can you guess what they were doing?  Well, if you have been following me for long, you will know my recent tragedy wherein my car CD player died a month or two back. 

Reasons #156, #18 and #8927 why I love Patrick--he not only came through and got me jams in my car once again (YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!) and let me sleep for half the day, but he also spent a lot of bonding time with Kaden while they put the thing in ole Goldilocks.  I was on top of the world.

So there is good news and bad news here folks.  Good news--I have music in my car once again and all is right with the universe.  Bad news--you will no longer be seeing any more of this.  Sorry, guys.  Life is give and take. 

Sheer Button Down-Ann Taylor, thrifted; Skinny Cargos-Mudd; Heels-Nine West, gifted; Necklace-Wal-Mart; Earrings-gifted; Belt-unknown; Leather Jacket-Wal-Mart

P.S. Don't forget about the $20 discount to eShakti's online store!!!! (Do you all remember this dress?) All you need to do is use the discount code ROBIN0811. The code is valid through October 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.

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