October 17, 2011

Faux Forest

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Bored as usual with my backdrops, I found this hidden little faux forest to ease my doldrums.  Solved.

Today was pretty boring for a Monday, to which I was relieved given my pain in the ass Friday. 

Nope.  Not too much to report except that it was exceptionally chilly today, hence the awkward poses like above where it looks like I'm stepping on my own foot.  It was a combination of I wanted the shoe shot to not be buried by weeds and being cold and wanting to get this over with asap.  I don't see my winter outfit shots being winners in the slightest. 

I gave my eShakti dress another spin today.  I seriously love this dress.  If you dig it and want to check them out (here), you can still use the discount code ROBIN0811 for a $20 discount.  But you only have two more weeks (expires 10/31/11) to do so, so hop to it!

Pat went to Wal-Mart to grab something and came back with a single pink rose for me just because.  So now we're gonna do the couple thing and kick back, relax, watch some Thor.

 Dress-c/o eShakti; Cropped Wine Colored Shrug-Mudd, gifted; Heels-BCBG, gifted; Bangles-gifted; Earrings-gifted by Pat's niece ;-)

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