October 11, 2011

An Ode to Jalopies Past

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

My history with cars is much like the one laid before me from when I was growing up.  They all had their little "quirks" if you will.  Basically, they were P.O.S.es.  My first car was a 1991 Ford Tempo I named Kalika, which was African for rosebud (a nickname given to me by my mom).  The torque converter was out in it, so if you pressed the gas too fast, it would literally shake the entire car until you let up off the gas.

My next car was the love of my life.  A 1993 Toyota Celica.  5 speeds of sporty goodness.  But, I got pregnant and had to get rid of it.  It was at this point I hit an all time automobile low when I obtained . . .

The Grocery Getter.  It was a 1970's Toyota Cressida.  It had wood paneling.  I could take the keys out of the ignition while the car was running.  It had no shocks so my sister, my cousin and I used to pump the brakes repeatedly at stop lights and it totally looked like we had hydrolics.  And, it literally had a bug guard with the words "Grocery Getter" and a picture of a shopping cart on it (which was removed immediately upon purchase, I do have standards).

My #2 love came next, a 1990's Honda Accord.  It had manual transmission, a sunroof and electric windows, all a girl could ask for.  But, I am the world's worst driver (seriously I lost count of how many accidents I've been in) and was involved in a 5 car pile up.  My car ended up with a different color hood than the rest of the car. 

Ruby was my next car, a red Kia Sportage.  I loved that car.  It also had a sunroof, electric windows and 4-wheel drive. But at some point my driver's window quit working.  Duct tape on your window is not sexy. 

Right before my last divorce, my ex and I had bought a brand new GMC Yukon.  It was luxurious as can be with all the bells and whistles.  I did not get to keep that . . .

And now I have Goldilocks, a gold Saturn.  She leaks oil, has manual windows and a missing passenger side mirror.  But, she runs like a champ.  She gets me from A to B and we have really bonded over the years.  But I swear, my next car will have electric windows.  And seat warmers.  That ish is tight.

Dress-vintage; Sweater-Kohl's; Two Tone Heels-Nine West, gifted; Bangle, Ring and Earrings-Kohl's

P.S. Don't forget about the $20 discount to eShakti's online store!!!! (Do you all remember this dress?) All you need to do is use the discount code ROBIN0811. The code is valid through October 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.

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