October 14, 2011

Jeans On (Cause There Ain't No Rest for the Wicked)

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

This (above) is not what I wore to work today.  This (below) is what I wore to work today.  If my face looks exhausted and annoyed in the work outfit photo, it's because it is.  

For some reason, the week goes by relatively quickly for me.  Work is busy, but goes smoothly and I am so busy during the week with mom duty that it seems like I blink and it's Friday.  But, Friday is usually one of the busiest days at le office for some reason.  

I had to go into work a little early today, but Daryl had told me I could leave early to make up for it.  Yeah Ramone, that'll happen.   I did leave the office early, but that was because I had some work related errands to run including going to the bank, dropping some documents off at another attorney's office, going to the post office and filing something with Court.

Long story short, there was a kink in every single errand I ran and little of it got done to satisfaction.  I did not end up leaving "work" early.  And Kaden had football practice.  Patrick usually takes him, but he is doing military time this week and not able to.  So I had to go from work to practice to running errands some more while Kaden practiced to picking him up and I. Just.  Got.  Home.  

I was not at all satisfied with the quality of my work outfit pictures and thought about not even posting any today.  But when I ran home to pick up Kaden, I switched out my restricting pencil skirt for my favorite distressed jeans and suddenly all was right with the world.  Frannie got her stride back, went out for new pictures and got a lot of ish done.  

While I was taking these shots, a couple of ladies stopped me and asked what I was doing.  "I have a style blog" I said.  They looked at me like I had a third eye.  I tried explaining it the best I could.  For some reason, I get all kinds of embarrassed, awkward and discombobulated when I tell people about my blog and I don't know quite what to say.  Does this ever happen to you?

So I thought of a better response.  "Imagine that every day that you wake up, you step out of your house onto a red carpet.  Imagine that every time you leave your house you are feeling and looking fabulous.  Imagine that you could do that even in your old blue jeans.  Imagine that there is a whole community of other fabulous ladies who like to know what you're wearing and who you can gawk, awe and thrive on inspiration from their styles.  That's what it's like to have a style blog."  Happy weekend ladies!  Werq it!

White Blazer-Ann Taylor, thrifted; Teal Ruffle Button Down-Kohl's; Distressed Jeans-Mudd; Black Pencil Skirt-Kohl's; Silver Pumps-Shoe Carnival; Earrings-Kohl's; Snakeskin Bag-Kohl's

P.S. Don't forget about the $20 discount to eShakti's online store!!!! (Do you all remember this dress?) All you need to do is use the discount code ROBIN0811. The code is valid through October 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested. 

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