October 20, 2011

Today Was a Good Day . . .

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although, it did not start out that way, but we'll get to that in a minute.  First and foremost I want to thank you for all the support and love that I received from my last post.  It really meant so much more than I can even express.  I was so nervous about posting it that I almost erased it after hitting the "Publish Post" button.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Now let's awkwardly transition to my craptacular start of the day that ended up fabulously.  First of all, Patrick left with my keys againSo I was late to work.  Again.  My boys were fighting like maniacs this morning.  And let's just say that by the time I got to work, I was not a happy camper. 

Daryl may or may not have sensed this when he called me this morning asking me where I was.  I may or may not have lost my shit and starting spouting off sentence fragments in a haze of frustration. 

Let's fast forward to lunch where I stopped by a local hardware store to get a spare key made (as per Daryl's request) and decided to go to my new favorite spot to take pictures in a nearby park in Boulder.  I love this park because it is usually completely abandoned and gorgeous.  I ventured further than I usually do and found this serene spot next to a creek, even further from any chance of being spotted, or so I thought.

Turns out, a crew of homeless gentlemen really like to partake in some afternoon delights right on the bank of this river.  At the exact time that I decided to start clicking away at my photos.  They also like to watch bloggers take their outfit photos by said creek.  And they also like to charge a toll for using said river as a backdrop for outfit photos.  I paid my 67 cents and finished what I started.  I ain't sceered.  However, I did have a bit of a sacrifice with my facial expressions in 99% of these pictures.

Well, as I said, Daryl must have heard the frantic crazy woman in my voice because my day started to turn around when I returned back to work.  I forgot how amazing the people are that I work with.  Sometime between key-loosing-Patrick-scolding-rampage, hobo-entertaining-awkwardness and a stack of documents for discovery calling my name, I walked over to my desk to find an envelope with my name on it.

It was a thank you card signed by Daryl, Peggy and Dawn.  It was the sweetest, most fabulous gesture in all the land (other than the rose that Patrick brought home the other day for no reason).  I am ever so grateful and on cloud 9 for the amazing people I share in my life.  And it is simple gestures like these that totally make my day. 

Burgundy Turtleneck Sweater-gifted; Military Vest-Old Navy; Plaid Skirt-Ross; Boots-F21; Bag-Guess; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Bracelet-souvenir from Four Corners; Ring-Kohl's

P.S. Don't forget about the $20 discount to eShakti's online store!!!! (Do you all remember this dress?) All you need to do is use the discount code ROBIN0811. The code is valid through October 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.

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