November 14, 2012

Mmmmkay Pumpkin?

Is it really already Wednesday?  Because it totally felt like a Monday.  But then again, I've totally lost all concept of time.

What I didn't lose track of, thankfully, was the Fall Fashion Challenge.  Today's color is pumpkin which meant two things: one, I got to wear my vintage rust colored dress again and two, I got to wear the new faux fur vest I bought shopping with my SIL this weekend.

I feel myself slowly slipping into a writing funk.  I used to get a lot of random ideas driving or cooking or whatever and just be all "yeah, that would make a good blog post!"  Or something weird, random, awesome, funny or ridiculous would happen to me.  Something.

Lately, nothing.  I feel like I walk around in a blur.  I don't know if I might be just getting in a quasi-depressed funk since Patrick left or if I'm just extra busy or what.

Nonetheless, I don't want to spend this whole post writing about literally nothing, so I will just make these couple of quick meaningless observations:

Brinner solves everything.  I'm for real.  I think my kids were at their wits end today until I slapped some homemade from scratch waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon on the table. Solved.

Finding locations for photos is such a pain sometimes.  Spring and summer time = beautiful but crowded.  Fall and winter time = desolate but dead, bare and grey.

Do any of you all by chance have the Stylebook app?  I got it on the iPad a few months ago and I am totally in love with it.  It takes a significant amount of time to get all of your clothes in there, but once you do, it's awesome.  Like Polyvore for your own closet.

Before y'all ask, no, I didn't cut my hair.  Yet.  I pinned it up in a bob.  But I told Patrick that now that the wedding was over and since he's gone, I'm gonna chop the hell out of my hair.  When I can find time for another appointment with Vanessa, that is.

Rust Dress-vintage; Faux Fur Vest-Marshall's; Long Sleeved Blouse-Wal-Mart; Boots-Forever 21; Earrings-Kohl's

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