August 27, 2015

Thursday Mixer--Leopard Print Jeans

By way of how many times I have worn these leopard print skinny jeans both on the blog and off, I would think that I bought them approximately 12 years ago.  In truth, I only bought them two years ago and some change!  I bought them in my denim craze of needing skinny jeans in every color of the rainbow and every pattern known to fashionista.

I remember thinking that I had struck gold when I found these Jordache jeans at Wal-Mart for $16.  To date, I have worn these jeans a documented 11 times making the current price per wear $1.45--which is amazing if you ask me!  And even more amazing still is the fact that they have been so versatile.  They have lasted me at my smallest weight, barely pregnant, really pregnant, and at all of the awkward postpartum stages.  #winning

Top Left to Right- 1, 2, 3, Now, 5
Bottom Left to Right- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Leopard Print Skinny Jeans-Jordache
I Heart NY Tee-NYC Airport
Studded Belt-thrifted
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