April 30, 2014

Mission #32, Day 3--Leopard Jeans

I was so psyched when I discovered I could still fit into these leopard skinny jeans from my pre-pregnancy days I almost peed myself (hey, no one said it was glamorous).  They are a great addition to Mission Week as printed denim is not only EVERYWHERE, but also a great way to ease into the printed pants scene.  Denim just seems safer for some reason.

I actually wore this a few weeks ago to have a spontaneous lunch with my bestie, Matty, at my favorite Thai restaurant, The Buddha.  Seriously, if you are in Boulder and craving Thai, GO.  You will not be disappointed.

It's approps that I post this today and that I talk about Matty today because we also spontaneously were up Facebook chatting at about 3 a.m. this morning.  I couldn't sleep and he saw me on IM and we ended up chatting.  So random.  So good.  I love my best friend so much.

He's been such a big part of my life for so long (going on 17 or 18 years now) that my kids call him Uncle Matty.  He has had such an influence on them too and they love him just like an uncle, especially my oldest, Kaden.

When Kaden was really young, Matty was the only male influence that Kaden really had (besides my brother who was the same age then that Kaden is now).  I use the term "male influence" loosely as Matty is clearly a homosexual (anyone else get the Margaret Cho/SATC reference there?  Anyone?).  I remember one time, I had taken Kaden to Sears or someplace to get his Christmas pictures taken.  Matty was with us and Kaden refused to sit in the picture without me and Matty.  The photographer looked at Kaden and told him to smile at Daddy.  We started to correct her but then were just like . . . whatever.  Those were some of the best photos of Kaden.  LOL

Crocheted Beaded Sweater-thrifted; Leopard Skinny Jeans-L.E.I.; Red Bow Flats-KMart; Necklace-Kohl's; Earrings-Kohl's; Sunnies-Target

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