April 28, 2015

Mission #56, Day 2--Button Up Tied Over Blouse

And yet another way to utilize the button up blouse--tie that baby up over a dress!  It creates a longer torso and will actually make you look taller and leaner.  All in all--a win.  Not to mention, I assume it helps with those blouses that are stubbornly hard to button up (like if you have a larger chest . . . which unfortunately I was not blessed with).

This post and this outfit make me so happy for so many reasons.  First of all, I am wearing this straw vintage hat which was another salvage from Patrick's grandmother.  Also these cute wedge sandals were given to me by Patrick's other grandmother.

So basically I am donned in grandmother hand-me-downs here.  And I am 100% ok with it.  This is why I love vintage and why I love fashion and style.  It really is so very personal.  An item of clothing or an outfit can really tell a story.   It can ignite an emotion.

So something that I've never really been proud of . . . I don't read.  Other than articles online once in a while, I NEVER read.  After college I was kind of over it and now with 72 kids, I just feel like I never have time and when I do, I usually just end up zoning out to Pinterest or a documentary.

Well for my birthday, my mom's ex-boyfriend Bruce (who I still love so much!) sent me a book.  It is I'll Drink to That by Betty Halbreich.  For those that don't know, Betty Halbreich was a very well known and respected personal shopper at Bergdorf's.

So this week my resolution was to start a book.  Any book.  This seems like a good one.  And with school and activities winding down, it seems like as good a time as any to get started.

White Dress-thrifted
Gingham Button Up-Forever 21
Sandals-gifted by Patrick's grandmother
Straw Hat-vintage from Patrick's other grandmother
Starfish Earrings-Touchstone Crystal, c/o
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