April 10, 2015

Dear Frannie Friday--20 Self Care Ideas

I've been talking a lot this week about self care (are you sick of that word yet?) and I've gotten a lot of feedback from you all about how you need to do more of that yourself.  It's hard to find time for yourself when your day usually revolves around taking care of other people.  So here are some quick and easy ways to give yourself a little time throughout the day:

1.  Take a Bath
2.  Take a Walk or a Bike Ride
3.  Paint Your Nails
4.  Sit Outside with a Magazine/Book/Camera/Nothing
5.  Get Dressed Up for No Reason

6.  Make Yourself some Tea or Coffee
7.  Bake Something or Make Something Yummy To Eat
8.  Put Some Dancing Music On!
9.  Stretch or Do Some Yoga (there are a lot of great YouTube yoga videos)
10.  Watch a Movie (Specifically one that normally no one else would want to watch with you)

11.  Shop online (You know I had to go there . . .)--not that you have to buy anything.  You can just put things in an online cart and exit out.
12.  Shop in real life
13.  Call, write or meet up with a friend you haven't seen in a while
14.  Find one of those crafts you keep meaning to do on Pinterest . . . and do it!
15.  Start a journal

16.  Play in your closet (or is that just me that finds that fun?)
17.  Plant some flowers
18.  Go to a local market
19.  Pour yourself a drink--alcoholic or non-alcoholic
20.  Do nothing!  Nothing at all.  That's been my favorite self care activity.

Green Trousers, White Cardigan-thrifted
Blue Tank-Kohl's
Monogram Necklace-Target
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