Well this is the last look that Brielle put together for me. And appropriately I am sharing it on her birthday! Yes, my baby girl is now 8 years old. 8!!!! And just as I did with Conner a couple of weeks ago, here are my 8 most favorite things about my daughter (although, it is very hard to narrow it down to 8):
1. Brielle's Independence. From the time that she could walk and talk, Brielle could take care of herself. She could do things all on her own. I never had to do anything for her; once she learned to do it, anyone that tried to help was simply in her way.
2. Brielle's Stubbornness. This girl does not compromise. She knows what she wants and that is exactly how she wants it. My dad used to say "she'll decide" when she was younger and I wanted her to do something. It was true. She does not bend for anyone else. Unless, of course, it is her idea. And if it technically wasn't, she won't do anything unless and until you know that it is, in fact, her idea.
3. Brielle's Responsibility. Brielle doesn't break rules. She follows directions to the letter. If the recipe calls for 3/4 cup of flour, she will measure out exactly 3/4 cups of flour. If her homework assignment says that she needs to read for 15 minutes, she will read for 15 minutes.
4. Brielle's beauty. I know it is kind of lame and materialistic to focus on my daughter's beauty, but seriously, she is a very beautiful child. Dark skin, blonde hair, dark eyes and long legs. I hate to say it, but she's gonna be a real stunner.
5. Brielle's Love for School and Academics. This girl loves learning. She loves reading, she loves math, she loves everything about school. In fact, I have been telling her for weeks that she is not allowed to turn 8 and she keeps telling me that she is still going to. Tonight she told me that actually she cannot turn 8 after all because her teacher told her she couldn't. Thanks Ms. Christie.
6. Brielle's Sassy Attitude. Brielle is tough. I guess you have to be with four brothers. Granted, sometimes her little 'tude gets her in trouble. But secretly, I love how sassy she is. This girl will not take any guff.
7. Brielle's Tomboy/Girliness Combo. For years when she was a little thing, Brielle was all about purple. Over the past few years though, that has changed to blue. She has never had a problem getting dirty or playing with gardener snakes or building with Legos and she has never had any interest in Disney princesses or dolls or playing dress up or anything like that. I have to admit that at first I was a little bummed. I never wanted Brielle to be someone or something that she's not and I definitely didn't want to push any of my girliness onto her, but she's my only little girl. So I was kind of bummed that she wasn't into frilly dresses and never let me play with her hair. Over the past year or so though, that has all changed. She is more and more into clothes and hair--obviously because she jumped at the chance to dress me. And even though I don't want to get too excited about it for fear that I am conditioning her to like things just because I like them, I do do a silent little happy dance when she tells me about things she's currently sartorially into.
8. Brielle's Organizational Skills. This girl has OCD just like her mother. Every thing has a place and their place is usually color coordinated and in alphabetical order. Her calendars are always on the right month, with the right amount of days crossed off. Her clocks are set to the exact time. Heck, even though I started labor with her on April 16th, she held on until her exact due date--April 17th--to be born. Everything except her socks. For some reason this girl's socks never match. But I guess that's cool now.
After having two boys, I thought I was destined to never have a daughter. And very luckily, I was wrong. People say that my daughter looks like me; I don't see it--she is way too beautiful. But I do 110% acknowledge that my daughter acts exactly like me. I have even caught her saying things to her brothers that I used to demand of say to my younger siblings. This girl is going places. You can be sure of that. And I am so lucky to be there and watch.
PS--PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE . . . If you have a moment and a few dollars to spare, please be sure to visit the GoFundMe Page that I set up for my friend Bekey and her kiddos.
PS--PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE . . . If you have a moment and a few dollars to spare, please be sure to visit the GoFundMe Page that I set up for my friend Bekey and her kiddos.
Light Pink Skirt-Express, thrifted
Light Purple Cardigan-thrifted
White Sleeveless Turtleneck-thrifted
Light Pink Heels-thrifted
Mint Bag-Target
Lace Leggings-Macy's

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