June 5, 2014

Mission #34, Day 4--Mary Anne

Mary Anne Spier.  Kind of a wallflower in the Babysitter's Club series.  All I really remember of her from the books was that she was shy, reserved and, from what I remember, pretty preppy.  I mean, the gutsiest thing I remember she ever did was chop her hair.  Whoa, slow down sister.  So I went with overalls, flats and a generally understated look for this week's Mission Week challenge.

Speaking of slowing down, though.  You guys.  My baby is a month old today.  I cannot believe it.  I know that time goes by super fast when you have kids, but seriously, how can he be a month old already???

Also, I only have one more backlogged outfit for the blog.  Eeek!  That means I'm actually going to have to take photos again soon.  Double eek!  I've been getting dressed everyday--I truly can't function in pajamas.  I've been taking pictures everyday--how could you not with an adorable newborn?  But my tripod has been collecting dust.

I'm nervous about my future outfit photos.  I find dressing my after baby body just as challenging as dressing my pregnant body sans maternity clothes.  Not only does nothing fit the same right now, but you have to account for the fact that every couple of hours, you're going to have to maneuver a boob out of it (#reallife).

And, this means that my maternity leave is already half over.  Sad face.  I already dread the day I have to go back to work and leave my littlest guy.  Luckily, he will be with Grandma.  And I'll be working part time.  But still.

It's all too much too fast.  Ferris Bueller was right.

Black Maternity Overalls-Amazon; Grey Tee-Target; Leopard Print Flats-Payless; Necklace-c/o Uncommon Goods; Earrings-DIY and gifted; Sunnies-shop in mall

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