February 26, 2013

Share the Covers--So Happy Together

Here is the original by the Turtles, a song I've always loved . . .

And the kick ass punk version by Buck Wild . . . 

You could kinda call this a birthday outfit.  My mom sent me the lace blouse, the tank underneath, the gold cloche and the beaded belt for my birthday.  I believe her exact words were "I can't wait for you to see it.  I've nearly thrifted you a whole outfit and I am so proud of myself!"

And she did a great job and I couldn't wait to wear it, but I had to because my Grandpa also sent me a check for my birthday (isn't it so cute that I'm 31 and my Grandpa still sends me a birthday check?) and . . .

I had been on the lookout for camo skinnies that were not ninetyfreakingdollars forever and finally found some on the Kohl's website. (They're on sale now peeps!!!)  And since I used birthday money, it didn't really count as breaking the ban (which I am still kind of on even though I did get the new camera already--I'm practicing restraint).

Of course, I knew these would go perfectly with the shtuff my mom had sent, so I had to wait until these babies came in to wear them together.  And viola!  Mad props to my mom, my Grandpa and birthdays for this outfit!

Camo Skinny Jeans-Kohl's; Lace Blouse-thrifted and gifted; Brown Tank-Banana Republic, thrifted and gifted; Fur Trimmed Hoot Jacket-Kohl's; Necklace-gifted; Ring-Kohl's; Shearling Trimmed Booties-Mossimo; Beaded Belt-thrifted and gifted; Gold Cloche-thrifted and gifted
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