February 6, 2013
Mission #1, Day 3 and a Birthday Girl
Mission Week continues and today is extra special because IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! *starts dancing and singing 50 Cent song (the Beyonce remix, course) in my head . . . and out loud*
I had two lovely ladies inspiring my style today, Natalie Cole and Zsa Zsa Gabor. This called for ladylike glamor. And nothing says ladylike like a red and white polka dot midi length dress and classic blazer.
To go the extra "inspired by" mile, here's a snapshot of my Stylebook app. I chose today's outfit based on one done by the lovely Kim of eat.sleep.wear. (who is probably enjoying the ever loving out of NYFW right now).
Here's something that you should know about me: birthdays are a big deal to me. I love them. They are the perfect excuse for absolutely anything.
On your birthday, you feel empowered. Late to work? No problem, it's your birthday! Pulled over? No sweat, they'll let you off. It's your birthday! Been itching to buy those cute camo skinnies that 'erbody is wearing, but you've been afraid to pull the trigger? Do it! It's your birthday!
But they can also make you feel entitled. I shouldn't have to do the dishes, it's my biiiiiiirthdaaaaaay. I don't want to work today. It's my biiiiiiirthdaaaaaay. I can't take out the trash on my birthdaaaaaaay!
Trust me when I tell you that I can be downright juvenile on my birthday. And I don't think I'm the only one. But I will fully admit it. Not that it stops me from doing what needs to be done--working, laundry, dishes, etc.--but it is with a little more whine than usual.
Today started out not going my way. Just little things, nothing major. But I was all whiny, like a child. I mean, it's not like a milestone birthday or anything. And I'm 31 today (well, technically not until 10:01 tonight--yes mom I remember). Grow the hell up Robin.
But it's amazing that even at 31 you can still be learning. And birthdays are great and they should be celebrated. But they are a whole day. Don't give up halfway through. By the end of my day, I had flowers delivered by Pat's mom and stepdad, adorable IMs from Patrick, hundreds of Facebook shout-outs, text messages and phone calls and a card in the mail from my Grandpa. And currently Patrick is running the kids around so I can enjoy just sitting on my 31 year old ass. And then we are going out to dinner. Aw. Birthdays are great.
Red Polka Dot Dress-Casual Corner, thrifed; Mint Tweed Blazer-Robbie Bee, thrifed; Lace Tank-Ellen Ashley, thrifted; Suede Wedges-Target; Pearl Necklaces-gifted from Patrick and Kohl's; Earrings-Kohl's

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Your red jacket is awesome and the wide leg sailor pants....awesome-r! I love this look.
I love thrifting. About 80 to 85% of what I own was thrifted. My sis doesn't like thrifting for all the reasons you mentioned but me, I don't mind at all for all the good reasons you've also pointed out. Friends see my wardrobe and think that I have a lot of money to throw away on clothes. I know I don't.
The good thing about thrifting here is that the clothes come from different parts of the world, mostly Asian brands and most of the quality is great.
I love thrifting. About 80 to 85% of what I own was thrifted. My sis doesn't like thrifting for all the reasons you mentioned but me, I don't mind at all for all the good reasons you've also pointed out. Friends see my wardrobe and think that I have a lot of money to throw away on clothes. I know I don't.
The good thing about thrifting here is that the clothes come from different parts of the world, mostly Asian brands and most of the quality is great.
Love the mix of masculine military vest and very feminine pink skirt!
My recent post Black, Gold & Tribal Print
My recent post Black, Gold & Tribal Print
Serious bragging rights you've got there, Frannie! State Senator! Wow! Kudos to Conner!
Now I've seen a lovely way to style my brown skirt. Cute look.
I wish I knew suggestions to give about Kaden. I'm sorry that I don't.
Now I've seen a lovely way to style my brown skirt. Cute look.
I wish I knew suggestions to give about Kaden. I'm sorry that I don't.
How badly do I want that sweater!! I love it.... I'm now following you by email.
I've been wanting a white blazer for so long. Love yours. Cute look.
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My recent post Chain Link
I understand its good to be responsible about spending money, but when a Giorgio Armani item is that dirt cheap you'll be needing jail to keep me from getting them. Looooove your dress; all the pockets and buttons! it's so fab with the leo shoes.
My recent post Jersey and Oxfords
My recent post Jersey and Oxfords
Wow, Robin! I love this look! Fab spiked cap! Cute sandals too.
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My recent post My Small World.....
Love your relaxed look. Acceptance of people from a different culture, ethics, sexuality, color, e.t.c is something a lot of people (myself inclusive) need to learn. I think that it's an individual thing. And is a pointer to how open-minded and humane someone truly is. I think that at first there is the shock to overcome and then if someone is open-minded they become accepting of the other person.
I must confess I did wonder about some of your work outfits, but you're lucky τ̲̅☺ have such relaxed dress code at work. I like the occasional power suit myself but on the regular I don't. Cute monochrome look. Love your necklace.
My recent post Bubble gummy
My recent post Bubble gummy
Cute skirt. Love the look, Frannie.
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My recent post Mid Week Casual
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