February 11, 2013

Mission Monday #2--Blaze of Glory

Blazers.  They are an essential part of any wardrobe in my opinion.  They instantly add a level of professionalism and polish to any look.

I thrifted this blazer a couple of months ago and I love it.  The deep dark brown, the buttons, the moveable and breathable polyester fabric--all good things.

I own a ton of blazers and I've worn them a bajillion ways, if I were to guesstimate.  I can honestly say that they are the group of clothing (other than the necessary blouse and bottom, respectively) that gets the most use.  That being said I would like to introduce the next installment of Mission Week with . . .

Blazers!  How do you wear them?  With jeans?  With skirts or dresses?  In a suit?  With slacks?  Wearing blazers isn't a challenge, per se, but it is a quintessential part of the working girl (or guy)'s wardrobe.

As with last week, the challenge will begin next Monday (February 18th) and run through the week.  You need not participate the whole week, but the link up party will go live on Friday, February 22nd.

So ladies (and gents), break out that workhorse you've got in your closet and blaze 'em if you got 'em.  Show us how you style a blazer and why it is a purchase that hardly goes unworn.

Floral Dress (worn as a skirt)-c/o eShakti; Gold Sweater-Bentley, thrifted; Brown Blazer-Doki Geki, thrifted; Brown Tights-Kohl's; Wine Colored Socks-Target; Cowboy Boots-vintage; Earrings-gifted
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