February 12, 2013

Share the Covers--I Love Rock N Roll

The bad ass original . . .

And, in honor of my Matty, here is a cover by Ms. Britney Spears . . .


You know what makes my day?  Beautiful spring like weather and lunch in downtown Denver with my very best friend, Matty.

I've talked about Matty a billion times on the blog.  We've been best friends since we were 15--so more than half of our lives.  He was even one of my bridesmaids.  He is honestly and without a doubt one of the best human beings I have ever met--thoughtful, funny, charismatic and, of course, stylish.  I love him truly and deeply. 

Thanks Matty.  Thanks for lunch, thanks for taking my blog photos today and thanks for being the best friend a gal could ever have.

 High Waisted Wide Leg Sailor Pants-BB Dakota, vintage and thrifted; Gingham Oxford-Forever 21; Puffer Vest-Catalina, thrifted; Football Booties-Charlotte Russe; Earrings-gifted
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