October 6, 2015

Share the Covers--Love Me Tender

Here is the original by Elvis Presley . . . 

And the cover by Nora Jones . . .
Between my new job, the kids' extracurricular activities, chores and various other elements, Patrick and I have not had much time together.  Even once the kids go to bed, by that time I am wiped, having been up since 5 am.  This weekend, we actually had a date!  We went to dinner and PetCo (we roll hard).

On Saturday, we had plans to go to a pumpkin carving party of an old friend of mine . . . or so I thought.  My friend and his wife live about an hour away.  We were supposed to bring something "pumpkin".  Knowing that his wife is vegetarian, I decided to up my game and make gluten free, vegan pumpkin donuts.  I was going to score major points, right?

Well the donuts did not turn out.  I tried to add extra almond flour and make them muffins.  They still did not turn out.  So I was frustrated.  We went on our way anyhow up the mountainous trail to my friend's house.  And we got lost.  And I called my friend.  No answer.  I called two other friends who I knew would be at the party.  No answer.  Finally I got a call back, trying to get directions, only to find out . . . we were a week early.  The party is this Saturday. 

I felt like such an idiot.  But nonetheless, Patrick and I ended up with another date this weekend.  We had a lovely (albeit impromptu) drive up the mountains, a lovely game of Scrabble and a modest Ramen noodle dinner.  And it was honestly one of the best nights I've had in a long time.

White Crocheted Maxi Dress-Forever 21
Denim Jacket-Old Navy, thrifted
Mules-Vera Wang
Fox Necklace-Charming Charlie's
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