October 12, 2015

Mission #68, Day 1--PRINCESS WEEK--Ariel

Halloween is coming up and that makes it the perfect excuse to be inspired by Disney's most famous princesses.  First up, everyone's favorite mermaid--Ariel.  Now I have to say a couple of things here--I never really got the whole Disney princess obsession.  That goes with women or men.  And for some reason, Ariel seems to be one of the most desired of the princesses as far as men are concerned.  Which is weird right?  Because she has a tail.  Also, even though I have a daughter, I don't have much experience with princesses because Brielle never has been one to really get into princesses or dolls.  Which I am more than fine with.

For the Ariel inspired look, I gave myself green "legs" with my mint skinnys.  I was not about to pull out the seashell bra (I only save that for special occasions #softpurr), but I found it the perfect occasion to wear a sparkly pink tube top.  And, for the whole seaside effect, I wore my starfish earrings and flip flops. 

Mint Skinny Jeans-Kohl's
Pink Sequined Tube Top-vintage
Bag-Nine West, thrifted
Flip Flops-Target
Necklace-Charming Charlie's
Starfish Earrings-Touchstone Crystals, c/o
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