October 19, 2015

Make it Work Monday #25

It wasn't long after I started blogging that I found E's blog District of Chic and I have followed it loyally ever since.  This girl has a great sense of style and she often posts really yummy recipes as well!  And the funnest part?  She just became a mom to an adorable little baby boy!

Because of the simplicity of the look--it wasn't hard to recreate--white jeans, black band tee and black booties.  To be honest, this isn't E's typical look but it was right up my alley!  I chose to sport my Avidity to End band tee.  This was a band of friends of mine that rocked really heavy metal music.  The band has since broke up and grown up (like married with babies and stuff), but the tee always reminds me of a fun time of hanging out in hole in the wall bars being all groupy cool with the band and stuff.  Aw youth.

White Jeans-old, unknown
Avidity to End band tee
Booties-Ralph Lauren, thrifted and gifted
Studded Belt-thrifted
Crossbody Bag-Coach, vintage and gifted
Earrings-DIY and gifted
Watch-vintage from Grandma
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