June 18, 2015

Thursday Mixer--Floral Joggers

Joggers aka track pants aka fancy pajamas aka acceptable sweatpants became a big "thing" when I was first pregnant with Reilly.  And it really worked out well because, obvi, drawstring.  Also, they are pretty freaking stylish.

I got these (and several others in various colors) from Nordstrom on sale for $34 a little over a little over a year ago.  Current price per wear = $4.86.

Top Left to Right- 1, 2, 3
Bottom Left to Right- 1, Now, 3, 4 

It's a difficult thing watching your children turn into people.  It's great.  It's amazing.  But it's difficult.  It's difficult to watch the very beings that you used to have to help tie their shoes and feed them meals becoming actual functional adults. 

Kaden is 14.  He's a young man now.  He has a job.  He comes and goes on his own.  He has his own schedule and his own life.  And every day, he reminds me of that as I often find myself completely shocked as I am standing in front of a young man--not a baby.

But when multiple lifeguards approach your son and hit on him and gawk at his young man muscles and ask him if he was an MMA fighter or a gymnast--that can top it.  You really can't prepare yourself for that.

Floral Joggers-Nordstrom
Black Tank-thrifted
Sleeveless Trench-Charlotte Russe
Watch-vintage from Grandma
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