June 15, 2015

Make it Work Monday #16

Today I am channeling a look from a fellow Colorado blogger!  The lovely Jessica from Afternoon Style who just had an adorable baby boy!  She had the cutest maternity style, but as well mamas all know, it is double fantastic when a look can take you from maternity to mamahood just as easily.  And enter this outfit. 

I have really gotten a lot of use out of my red rain boots.  They have been surprisingly as versatile as I pictured them being and not "phase-y" at all.  A red and white striped dress, I am learning is equally necessary for any closet.  And I got to wear the scarf gifted by my bestie as well.  I love that because I always think of him when I wear it.

For those that follow me on social media, it will not surprise you for me to declare that I did indeed have a lovely weekend with my family celebrating my Grampa's 85th birthday.  It was actually a surprise--he didn't know that all of us were coming up!  So it was great every time one of us trickled in, he was more excited.

My Grampa even said, multiple times, that this was the best birthday he has ever had.  And that means a lot.  Because he is the cutest to see happy and smile.  I had posted a photo on Instagram with Reilly looking out my Grampa's back window.  And in the caption I explained that when Kaden, who was the only great-grandchild that my Grandma ever met, and I would visit, she would beg my Grampa not to clean off Kaden's fingerprints on the back door and the furniture.

My Grampa is the same way.  I kept apologizing for the noise and the mess and he just kept telling me that he loved the commotion and that he would miss it so much when we would leave.  He had so much fun with us--hanging out, eating (we did SOOOO much eating!), laughing and watching the kids play.  It was perfect.

At one point my Grampa told me that he was feeling so loved and that he was the luckiest Grampa in the world and that he was so happy we had come up, and my six year old reserved, super shy niece Emma comes out of nowhere and gave him the biggest hug.  It was adorable.

So basically, yeah.  It was one of the best weekends I've had in a long, long while.  I love my Grampa.

Red and White Striped Dress-Milly for Kohl's
Scarf-Nordstrom, gifted
Starfish Earrings-Touchstone Crystal, c/o
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