June 11, 2015

Mission #59, Day 4--Accessorize

Another way to rock denim on denim?  It's all in the details people!  Your denim top?  Polka dotted.  Your jeans?  Distressed!  Add a blazer!  And a hat!  And funky flats!  And a colorful bag!  Done, done and done.

If you have been over to my Instagram, you may have seen that my baby Reilly got some new shoes!  Normally, he's barefoot but he loves to climb and explore and be outside and I was growing paranoid for the bottoms of his little feet.  So I got him some regular shoes and my nurse sister in law freaked out about him wearing those.

So I got him some soft, orthopedically sound shoes for exploring.  People, he has not taken them off.  I tried to take them off to put his PJs on.  He threw a huge fit and cried until I put them back on.  He slept in them.  Then when I tried to change him out of PJs he threw a fit until they went back on his feet.

Those who have seen my husband know that Reilly is a spitting image of him--red hair, blue eyes, fair skin.  His expressions and stubbornness are identical to my husband and it is the cutest thing I have ever seen.  But I do joke that it is a good thing that I gave birth to the kid because otherwise you could not even tell that he is mine.

Well, as Patrick joked last night.  Now we know what he gets from his mother: a love for cute shoes.  And if that is the only genetic trait I pass on, I'm fine with it.

Distressed Skinny Jeans-Kohl's
Polka Dot Chambray Top-Old Navy
White Blazer-Ann Taylor, thrifted
Studded Pointed Toe Flats-Target
Earrings-Charming Charlie's
Necklace-c/o Blue Nile
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