May 6, 2015

Wordy Wednesday--Gardening

I kill plants.  I don't mean to.  I really wish I had a green thumb.  But as evidenced by my having to give my long struggling spider plant (which I am told is harder to kill than a cactus) to my mother for safe keeping, I am not.  But in the interest of the renovation of the back yard, the fact that Mother's Day is coming up (and both my mother and mother in law are excellent with plants) and the fact that just yesterday I celebrated growing a human, let's have some fun gardening quotes, eh?


Skinny Camo Jeans-Kohls
Beige Oversized Sweater-Old Navy
Leather Jacket-vintage
Nude Flats-Target
Polka Dot Umbrella-Target
Earrings-Charming Charlies
Bangles-gifted and Kohls
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