May 12, 2015

Mission #57, Day 2

Repeat the following after me: Fringe = Festival Fashion.  A good pairing for fringe are hats that are funky but also sun shielding, a light military jacket, flat booties and a pretty lace dress that looks way too ladylike to be at a concert but somehow works.

In yesterday's post I didn't talk about Mother's Day because I was beat.  But I will tell you that it was the best Mother's Day I have ever had.  Because of parenting time with Conner and Brielle and various vacation schedules, we had Reilly's birthday party simultaneously with our Mother's Day celebrations.  It was busy but so fun.

My Mother's Day started with sleeping in and ended with Patrick, the kids and my brother doing all the dishes, sweeping and clean up from the party.  Sprinkled in there were fresh flowers (yellow--my favorite!!!), Starbucks, lots of homemade food (I cooked, but I love cooking so that was ok), fun with friends and family, gifts (two words: avocado slicer!!!!) and handmade cards from Conner and Brielle.

It was such an amazingly good day that it somehow bled into Monday, which was awesome.  I woke much earlier than normal, but I felt really rested.  I got all of my getting ready stuff done before the kids even woke up!  And I caught up on blogs and posted a lot of overdue photos of family on Facebook.  My kids were so exhausted from having such a fun weekend that they slept in until 7:30!  Unheard of!  And I had to actually wake them up!

I got to work and got all caught up on work for the first time in weeks.  It has been a mad race at work lately and it has left me drained and stressed.  Working part time is hard, for real.  And I hate leaving work with things undone.  But yesterday I got all caught up!

All the snow we got melted away and Monday was sunny and gorgeous.  We were pegged all weekend--cleaning Friday night, the MS Walk on Saturday morning (in the FREEZING rain), more preparations Saturday night and the party on Sunday.  But it was so much fun.  It has been one of those weeks where I feel truly grateful for my life.

White Lace Dress-thrifted
Military Jacket-Lucky Brand, thrifted
Fringe Bag-Marshall's
Brown Fedora-vintage, gifted by Patrick's grandmother
Low Studded Booties-Forever 21
Fox Necklace-Charming Charlies
Earrings-DIY and gifted
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