May 15, 2015

Mission #57, Day 5

It's the last day of Mission Week with boho/festival looks and that makes me kind of sad because I am a hippie at heart for sure.  Plus, boho fashion is really unique and usually pretty comfy.  But it's not the last time you will see me boho-ing it up, that's for sure.

On this day I actually did my hair!  Wow right?  Not wow because it's such a complicated and breath-taking hairstyle, but because I have three hairstyles (as you have probably noticed)--curly and down, straight and down and a bun.  That's it.  So when I actually do my hair, I have to take a billion pictures of it (apparently).  

For a long time I struggled with the boyfriend jean trend in that I loved the way that it looked on others but I never had an actual legit pair of boyfriend jeans.  I tried thrifting some by going up a few sizes that that gave me BBS (Baggy Butt Syndrome).  I finally caved and bought these from F21 and I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I have worn them almost every single day since they arrived.

Distressed Boyfriend Jeans-Forever 21
Beatles Tee-Wal-Mart
Crocheted Vest-thrifted
Silver Sandals-Target
Studded Belt-thrifted
Beaded Headband-very old, no clue :-/

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