September 22, 2014

Mission #42, day 1--CAPES--Crocheted Cape

 Capes are amazing.  They add drama, I think, to any outfit.  The only problem?  Fall seems to be the only really appropriate time to use a cape.  A cape is not warm enough for winter and really cold months, and too damn hot in the summer and hot months.  Spring is ok, but it seems a bit more acceptable in the fall.  And if you live in Colorado, that's not a big window.

On this day, it was particularly chilly and the cape was amazingly perfect for the weather.  It was like wearing a cozy afghan, like my Grandma Marlys used to knit.  And it could be a nice "in case of" while the office A/C learns it's no longer in the 90's outside.

I scooped this little ditty up at Goodwill a year or so ago.  It was one of those items that when I saw it I had a "OMGhowcouldanyoneletyougetaway" moment.  So big.  So cozy.  So neutrally colored.

I liked the boho vibe of the cape and thus I decided to go with it in this look.  The chambray is casual and western, the palazzo pants are an obvious hippie-esque item, the wooden clogs just finished it off.

It's kind of strange to think that this was the weather in general for a few weeks there.  It was cloudy, rainy, misty, chilly and grey for a while.  Then out of nowhere it raced back up in the 90's.  But it was kind of a fun little fall preview.

Although I'm still not totally sold on fall.  I get a little excited about the holidays coming up and the heat cooling down.  I get all cliche sentimental and start yearning for pumpkin bars and crunchy leaves and days that seem as still and crisp as the air.

But those days are short.  And as precious as they are . . . it means that soon we'll get into winter.  And winter would be just fine if it were six weeks long.  But soon it will be January--a new year.  And by then, err'body is d-o-n-e with winter.

But for now--while there are occasional days when the air is juuuuuust slightly nippy--capes.  For sure.

White Crocheted Cape-vintage; Chambray Button Down-Lee; Paisley Palazzo Pants-Target; Clogs-gifted; Earrings-gifted; Bracelet-souvenir from Four Corners;
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