September 29, 2014

Make it Monday #4--Strawberry Lemon Angel Food Cake

So this Make it Monday was actually made last month for my brother's birthday.  My brother is not a sweets guy--he doesn't really care for many desserts so finding a sweet to celebrate his birthday was challenging. 

I found this recipe for Strawberry Lemon Angel Food Cake and decided to give it a go.  I didn't modify the recipe at all.  Here is how it turned out:

Difficulty Level:  Not hard at all.  Because the cake part of the recipe called for boxed angel food cake, it made it extremely easy.  My daughter, of course, even helped me with the recipe without issue.

 Taste Test:  Amazing.  Very good cake.  Even my brother, the sweets snob, was impressed. 

 Modifications/Tips for Next Time:  My only problem?  I had never made angel food cake before.  And I didn't have a bundt pan.  Instead of making one cake in a bundt pan and sawing it in half to insert the whipped cream and strawberries, I opted to use two 9 inch metal pans and then place one on top of the other.  I don't know how difficult it would've been to cut the one cake in half, but let's just say that the plan to merge two cakes to one didn't go exactly as planned.  Also, angel food cake raises A LOT in the oven.  Like a lot.

All in all, this was a perfect dessert--sweet and easy.  I would recommend it to one of you and I will be making it again myself.

Dress-Vera Wang; Military Vest-Old Navy; Leopard Print Flats-Payless; Bubble Necklace-Charming Charlie's; Earrings-vintage from Grandma

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