Here it is. The. Laaaaaaaast. Blog post. Wow. Kinda bittersweet, right? What better way to end it then with one of my personal heroes--Bob Marley. Now more than ever, the world needs love and peace. The world needs all that Bob Marley stood for. So please love each other. Be kind to each other, even when its hard. Love DOES trump hate. Spread the word and spread the love. Make the world a better place. Add your sparkle and make your mark. On a sartorial level, wear what you want and don't be afraid to NOT #dresslikeawoman. Dress outside of your comfort zone and THRIFT. Shop small.
I'm out of cliches. But I meant every one of them. And most of all--
Frannie out. #micdrop
Shoes-Blowfish, c/o
Pants-Inspyre Boutique
Cropped Sweatshirt-thrifted