April 1, 2014

Mission #30, Day 2--Menswear--Necktie

Continuing with the menswear theme of Mission Week, nothing says menswear like a tie--even a hot pink one.  This tie is actually one Patrick had to wear for a wedding and he promptly gave it to me afterwards and I love it. 

I can, however, understand why men don't particularly enjoy wearing ties.  When it comes to menswear, it is probably one of the biggest ranking in the uncomfortable department.  But it does help add extra funk (and color!) to this super funky outfit that I wore out to run errands a few weekends ago.

I was recently on the phone with my sister.  She has three girls--7, 5 and 3 months.  She is a stay at home mother to which I give her mad props.  I don't know that I could handle it.  Needless to say, sometimes you can get a little frustrated with the kids and they can get a little tired of your shit as well.

She told me of one such particular day recently in which she got annoyed with the girls not cleaning up their room.  She ended up going in there with a trash bag and told the girls that whatever she picked up and put in the bag was getting thrown away.  She, of course, expected that this would cause mass panic and help speed up the process.

What she got, however, was this reaction from my oldest niece, Anya: "That's fine, Mama.  I have way too many of those.  You can throw those out."  And my younger niece, Emma, ended up handing her a bunch of toys to add to the trash pile.

Kids.  Always something.

Newspaper Print Leggings-c/o Jolly Chic; White Oxford Maternity Button Down-thrifted; Denim Vest-DIY, Christopher & Banks, thrifted; Hot Pink Tie-Patrick's; Glitter Oxfords-thrifted; Leather Jacket-gifted; Mirrored Aviators-Target; Earrings-gifted

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