April 7, 2014

Mission Monday #31--Pastels

Spring is here.  Officially.  There are many nameplate trends for spring fashion and aside from florals, the next "big one" has to be pastels.  So next week, we are going to play around with pastels.  Surprisingly, they seem to go great with animal print, but then again, what doesn't.

Kaden, my 13 year old, is officially out of the kids section for jeans.  He told me he was in need of jeans, so I begrudgingly hit the thrift stores. 

Not that I don't still LOVE my thrift stores, but shopping in general lately has me all frustrated.  I can't fit in anything I want to try on or wear.  I'm tired of all the waist-less options.  And I am trying to save some money (obvi).

So the past few times that I have been shopping (thrift store or otherwise), I have left empty-handed for myself.  Literally.  This was absolutely unheard of in the past.  I would at least indulge in a new shoe or dress.

But, anyway.  I bought Kaden some jeans in the biggest kid size they had and brought them home.  He tried them on and they didn't fit.  All of you thrifters know that once you buy something from the thrift store, if you take it back, the best you can get is store credit.  Well, I decided that I needed Kaden with me to get him new jeans, so I thought I would actually just get a little something for myself this time.  Try to lift my sartorial spirits, if you will.

That's when I spotted this leopard print maxi dress--a long lusted after item on my mental checklist.  I was super stoked.  It is a maxi which means it will obviously fit me now and later.  It's a perfect fabric for summer.  AND . . . it's reversible.  After the credit for the jeans, the total was $1.53.  Sold.

Leopard Reversible Maxi Dress-thrifted; Pastel Purple Cardigan-thrifted and gifted by Lynne; Studded Wedges-Kohl's; Elephant Necklace-Charming Charlie's; Earrings-gifted; Sunnies-Target

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