January 29, 2015

Thursay Mixer--Skinny Camo Jeans

I got these skinny camo jeans with birthday money two years ago.  In all honesty, I haven't worn them as much as I thought I would on the blog, but I do wear them a lot in real life.  They are a strange fit in that I have to be having a "skinny day" to really be comfortable in them.  But the pattern is fun and I love the little studded embellishments on the "pockets" (another downfall--no real pockets).

I think I paid $30 for these jeans and I have only worn them a documented four times--making the price per wear $7.  Not my best work, but still pretty good.

1, 2, Now, 4

So guess what today is?  Patrick's birthday.  We both have to work (lame) and so does Kaden and I have to help watch my niece and nephew so we don't get to spend a lot of time together as a family.  And that makes me kind of sad because I love birthdays.

But more than birthdays, I love my husband.  I mean, I really love my husband.  I cannot effectively put into words what he means to me.  Truly.  He is my best friend.  And I know that everyone says that but it's true.

Everyday, he makes me laugh.  He makes me think of things in ways I hadn't before.  He teaches me patience, hard work and what it means to be in a relationship.  He has given me the gift of a son, adopting Kaden and being an amazing stepfather to Conner and Brielle without ever thinking of them or treating them "differently".   I really and truly love him with all of my heart and I don't know what I would do without him.  So even though we won't have much time today, I hope that he has the best of what time we do have.  Happy birthday Patrick!

Skinny Camo Jeans-Kohl's; Black Tennies-Target; Grey Oversized Sweater-Forver 21; Earrings-DIY and gifted
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