January 22, 2015

Thursday Mixer--Polka Dot Blazer

I just got this blazer in mid-2013.  Honestly, I thought I would wear it more than I do.  This was something that I call a "blogger only must have."  Meaning--in the blog world, it seems that everyone had a polka dot blazer and I needed one even though IRL I hadn't seen anyone actually wear one.

But I got it for $15 and I've worn it a documented 5 times making the cost per wear $3.  And I want to wear it more.  I guess I'll make that a goal.  Note to self--wear polka dot blazer more.

1, 2, 3, 4, Now

So I posted this on Instagram (you should probably follow me cause I'm cool like that), but yesterday was just oneofthosedays.  Seriously, I was done.  I was done with chores and with work and with kid stuff.  Reilly finally cut a tooth and hasn't been sleeping so adding exhaustion to the mix didn't help.

On the phone with Patrick I was super bitchy.  He hadn't done anything wrong but it was one of those things where he was on my shitlist--pretty much for just existing at that moment.  Not his fault.  And he knew it.  But he obviously knew that I was annoyed (yeah, that's a nice way to put it).

So he walks in the door and I had just sat down without purpose for the first time that day--around 6:00 p.m.--and he asks me to come and help him with something.  Annoyed, I let out a loud sigh and sauntered over like an overtired toddler to find him holding a half a dozen roses.  Just to brighten my day.  And it did.  

And speaking of brightening your day, don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to enter the giveaway for that adorable little elephant pin.  I will be announcing the winner on Monday.  Good luck!

Red Jeans-thrifted; Black Blouse-Kohl's; Polka Dot Blazer-Forever 21; Black Heels-thrifted; Necklace-gifted; Earrings-DIY and gifted
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