August 25, 2014

Mission #40, Day 1--School Cliques--The Prep

School's back in session kids.  And one of my favorite memories from school (sometimes my only favorite memory of school)  included what I was going to wear.  In fact, for my junior year, I kept a physical calendar of each outfit I wore everyday and did not repeat an outfit all year (aka prehistoric style blogging).

Another part of school, especially in mine, is cliques.  You couldn't escape it.  And my high school was known to be the preppiest high school in town.  I, on the other hand, was a "punk rocker/skater" in high school.  The preps were our enemy.  

What is preppy style?  Classic.  Timeless.  Safe.  Fairly simple.  Conservative.  Think Charlotte York.  So for this look, I went pretty classic and basic--black shirtdress, blazer, tweed flats.  Of course, my blazer did have to be striped.  I gotta be me.

But I did wear this to one of my classes for the mediation course, so it was good to be simple and "grown up" in.  When in doubt, prep it out.  Conference?  Meeting the parents?  Want to make a good impression?  Prep, prep, prep.

After all, stereotypically the preps were the ones in school with the good grades, the successful parents, the nice cars.  And their style was always pretty acceptable in most cases.  

Even though I am still a little too rebellious to fully embrace the prep style, I have come to appreciate it more in adulthood.  But I refuse to wear a polo.  Nearly every job I had prior to my actual career involved wearing a polo.  No mas.

Black Shirtdress-thrifted; Striped Blazer-Forever 21, thrifted; Tweed Flats-Target; Necklace-c/o Uncommon Goods; Sunnies-shop in mall; Diamond Stud Earrings-gifted
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