January 16, 2014

Mission #25, Day 4--Black and Brown

On this day for Mission Week, we are committing an old fashion faux paux--mixing brown and black together.  Luckily, this rule (and pretty much all others) is null and void.  These neutrals work very well together and often come off as chic.

Last night my kids entertained themselves in the most adorable way.  Conner and Brielle are hot and cold--they either fight like crazy or get along extraordinarily.

My daughter is a total Type A (I have no idea where she gets that from . . .) and one of her favorite things to do is make lists and "grade" paperwork.  She and Conner invented this game where he would do something and she would grade him with stars.  (I never did get the full gist of the game to be honest.)

This transformed into them rewarding each other with toys from each other's rooms.  It was the sweetest thing to see my kids get so jazzed up about sharing and giving.

That is the best thing about kids.  You can never predict what they will say or what they will do.  And most of the time, they surprise you in the best way possible.

Black Jumpsuit-Forever 21; Dark Brown Duster Cardigan-Mossimo; Wide Beade dBelt-vintage adn gifted; Fox Necklace-Charming Charlie's; Earrings-gifted; Booties-Sketchers

And the winner of the Blue Nile necklace giveaway is . . . 

Rod Jackson!  Congrats!  I will be emailing you soon!

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