December 17, 2013

Share the Covers--I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)

Here is the poppy little original by the Proclaimers . . .

And the total awesome cover by Mikal Cronin . . . I couldn't find a video for.  BUT you can listen to it and even download it for FREE here.  Yeah, I know, I'm creating extra work for you, but trust me, you will thank me.  I was never super fond of the original, but this cover is just too adorable.  He wrote it for his girlfriend when they were living in different states.  Love this version so much.

This weekend was so full of ups and downs for me.  It all started on Friday afternoon.  Lots of scary family health drama--not going to go into details here though.  Not to mention arguments with my ex (as usual . . .).  And there was also an episode where our dog Nakita got out of the house and I had to chase her around the neighborhood for 30 minutes.  In my flour covered apron and slippers.  Kaden bashed his head on a chair--I thought for sure he was going to need stitches.  

I baked my ass off to the point of absolute exhaustion.  I usually bake about a dozen kinds of bars and cookies during one weekend in particular during the holidays and I love it.  But I'm usually not 31 and five months pregnant when I do.  And by the time it was all said and done on Sunday night, my legs and feet were swollen twice the size.  Not to mention, we also got the tree and decorated it.  To help my sister and brother in law out with my newest nieces pieces, I had my other nieces over for most of the weekend too.  Bus-say.

But on the upside--it worked out.  My niece was finally discharged from the NICU this morning.  I am on the verge of settling things with my ex.  We have soooooo many treats in our house--it smells and tastes amazing.  Our tree is finally up and looks beautiful.  We got the dog back (well . . . Patrick got the dog back).  Kaden's head is fine.   And my nieces and Brielle, my daughter, are so close and have so much fun when they are together.  I don't barely hear from them when they get together--they just play and play.

Today (Monday) was so busy for me work wise and personal wise.  Kaden got sick at school and I had to go and pick him up.  When I picked Brielle up after school, she got sick as well.  I woke up at 4:50 this morning from a bad dream and couldn't go back to sleep, so it's been a looooong day.  But, as my mom says, it's a blessing in disguise.  You have to find the beauty in everything.  Like this:

See that guy in this picture?  I was taking these photos and some guy was playing the violin in the park.  It was beautiful.  And the weather was perfect and the lake was clear and it was so tranquil.  Not to mention, no one cares about the weirdo taking her own photos when someone's playing a violin in the park.

Maxi Dress-gifted by Lynne; Crocheted Shawl-vintage; Studded Wedges-Mudd; Butterfly Bracelet-vintage from Mom; Jeweled Bracelet-DIY and gifted; Sunnies-Target; Earrings-Kohl's
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