December 31, 2014

Mission #48, Day 3

And speaking of all white casual looks, enter this look for Mission Week.  New Year's Eve is all about glitz and glamor--as it should be.  But this look is pretty perfect for a totally casual night in.

And that's what I have done for pretty much every New Year's Eve since I became a mother.  I've never really been all about New Year's.  I'm not much of a drinker or party-er and I have always liked to use the night to reflect on the year.

I do remember one year I did try to do it up and have some friends over for a party.  But I forgot that I was a lightweight.  And I poured myself a pre-party drink (Bloody Mary) while my girlfriend and I got ready.  And then I had one more.  And the next thing I knew, I was waking up in my bed at six in the morning.

I had missed my party.  Oh don't worry--my friends came.  They drank, they played games, they hung out.  They were even nice enough to record the whole she-bang so I could watch it later.  They did all this while I slept in my bed.  Woopsie.

Here's hoping you have a much more memorable New Year's!

White Leggings-gifted; White Sweater-vintage from Grandma; Cognac OTK Boots-Charlotte Russe; Brooch-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-Kohl's

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