December 9, 2014

Mission #47, Day 2--Leather Jacket

A leather jacket is an essential wardrobe staple in my book.  I have a plethora of them ranging from black to cognac to chocolate brown.  I also have this blue one that I thrifted a few years ago.  It doesn't get near the wear it should as it is a fun little pop of color.  

As I mentioned yesterday, I am kicking some butt in the holiday to-do list area.  I still have some shopping to do for the kids though, but it is tricky.  Conner and Brielle still believe in Santa (yay!), but they are beyond the age of innocence where you can literally parade their gifts in front of them without them putting 2 and 2 together.

So I'm in the hiding and smuggling in stage of Christmas gifting for them.  Which is fine.  It's kind of nostalgic really.  My mom tried so hard to hide gifts from us.  She might be one of the last humans on Earth to know how to write in shorthand and she used to write our Christmas lists out in shorthand so we wouldn't be able to detect what we were getting.

My sister and I were relentless though.  Surprises were not our strong suit and we got antsy.  We had no restraint.  We would search out our gifts.  We would try to figure out our presents.  We would even untape wrapped presents to peek at what they were and tape them back up.  We were bad.

But one year we found a present--a VCR (does that date me much?)!!!  We were so excited.  But we got caught snooping.  And when my dad found out that we found out that we were getting a VCR, he did the meanest thing--he gave it to us.  Unwrapped.  No surprise.  Nothing under the tree.  He just handed it to us.  "Merry Christmas!  Guess you don't need it wrapped since you already know what it is!"

That was the day we quit peeking at our presents.  

Black Skinny Jeans-Old Navy (maternity); White Oversized Button Down-thrifted (maternity); Robin's Egg Blue Leather Jacket-thrifted; Black Booties-Old Navy; Knitted Beanie-Forever 21; Necklace-c/o onecklace; Earrings-gifted; Glasses-Bebe
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