May 23, 2014

Mission #33, Day 5

It's the final totally thrifted look for Mission Week and here are three very well rotated thrifted items from my closet--the dress, the military jacket and the scarf.  You might have noticed that none of my shoes have been thrifted and that may feel like a bit of a cheat.  But none of my thrifted shoes--mostly heels--could be worn at this point in my pregnancy--still waiting on them to fit post pregnancy actually.

My kids are now officially on summer vacation and it feels so good.  The birth of Reilly really worked out perfectly schedule-wise.  They had the last few weeks of school as Patrick was on paternity leave, so he was able to help me get them to school.

Unfortunately, after Tuesday Patrick is back to work.  It makes me sad because I've really enjoyed having some time with him and Reilly.  It also makes me nervous because he is so helpful and while I know I can do this myself, it is so much easier when someone is there to help.

I'm going to savor this summer--namely the next five weeks while I'm on maternity leave.  I just can't get enough of the time I've had at home with Reilly and Patrick, being able to do the things that I normally can't do because I'm working.  And summer!  How I love me some bbq grilling, swimming pool dunking, popsicle licking, grass blade scented summer time!

Navy and White Polka Dot Handkerchief Hem Dress-vintage; Military Jacket-Lucky, thrifted; Red and White Polka Dot Scarf-vintage; Mustard Suede Moccasins-Target; Earrings-Kohl's; Sunnies-Target

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