September 14, 2016

Wordy Wednesday--Childhood Memories

This weekend will be good.  And it will be bad.  And it will be hard.  This weekend my kids, my cousins, their kids and I will be going up to Wheatland, Wyoming.  That is where my Grampa lived.  That is where my childhood held so many memories.  And we will be going up to finish clearing out his house.  We will see it in tact one more time before it is set up to be sold.  :-(  It is a heartbreaking reality that I am not entirely sure I am ready to deal with but no one ever is really ready to deal with it, I guess.   But we are going to make the most of it by giving Wheatland itself our own little goodbye memorial.  We will do all of the things we used to do with our grandparents with our kids.  And those memories will be so bittersweet.  I am truly blessed to have had this little town in my life.






White Culottes-Target
Rust Sheer Top-thrifted
Bag-Nordstrom, thrifted
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