November 4, 2014

Mission #45, Day 2--Hats, Scarves and Socks

Second day of Mission Week with layering and here's a brain teaser--what is a really easy way to layer for the fall?  Accessories.  Duh.  Hats, scarves, booties and socks.  I added a studded backpack to make it interesting.

I actually wasn't happy with this outfit because I forced myself into this dress before my body was ready to appreciate it again.  These photos were taken quite a few weeks ago.  But guess what?  I had my weekly weigh in this morning and . . . I lost 5 pounds!  Woooo!

It's small but significant to me and I'm pretty proud of myself.  In fact, I even impressed Patrick last week when we did Hip Hop Abs together.  I'm getting better at it and I'm even going to move on to Insanity soon.  Bring it Shaun T.

Denim Dress-thrifted; Red Scarf-Kohl's; Mustard Cloche-Target; Studded Backpack-c/o Jolly Chic; Rust Socks-Target; Booties-Forever 21; Diamond Studs-gifted
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