December 19, 2012



This is not what I wore today.  Today it snowed and the high was 20.  So backlog it is!  Also, my brother and I are educating the boys on VH1's top 40 hip hop songs of the 90's--hence the song choice.

Taking your own outfit photos everyday is unlike many other things.  It is a true test of independence in a way, if you ask me.  

It reminds me of high school when I had sociology class with Matty and a couple of other friends.  Our teacher was cool as hell (shout out to Mr. Mack!).  He always let us go out on our own field trips to watch people.

He would give us little examples of things to do while we were out like things to say in an elevator and things to randomly say to strangers to see their reactions.

As many of you long term readers may already know, I have a lot of . . . interesting interactions with the general public while I take my outfit photos.

I've tried nearly every avenue with these people to not make it awkward . . .

The old innocent lie standby: "Um, I'm doing a project for photography class . . ."  Of course, with this response, you run a very high risk of follow up questions.  None of which you are prepared to answer.

 There is always the option of answering with "nothing" or just ignoring them completely.  Although, this could also backfire with a mad stink eye and/or some snide comments about your stuck up, narcissistic pass time. 

Lately, I've been contemplating some other ways to address this unpleasant interaction.  Like what if I started just speaking a native language?  This might not go over well since I don't speak another language . . . and they might speak said language . . . but it might be worth a try.

Or what if you just thought of something totally off the cuff and straight cray?  Like I've thought about telling people that I'm taking photos to send to my ex-boyfriend because he was just kidding with the whole restraining order situation (this is clearly sarcastic btw).  Or that I'm keeping a photo journal for my cat.  

Even though it can be kind of scary and awkward, I really do like it.  It's interesting.  I've gotten more crazy stories from taking my own pictures nearly everyday than anything else.  That, and my husband made me buy pepper spray for the same reason.

Plaid Shirt Dress-Kohl's; Platform Oxfords-Kohl's; Leopard Print Socks-Target; Fingerless Gloves-Pyramid Collection; Bag-Coach, vintage and gifted; Bangles-Kohl's; Jacket-Kohl's

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