December 30, 2016

Dear Frannie Friday--New Years

As tomorrow is New Years Eve, I have given a lot of thought, as everyone has, about the upcoming New Year.  I have grown a solace in the misery is company school of thought that 2016 blew big balls.  Sorry, but for real.  January 2016 started with a raging sickness through my house with my toddler being diagnosed with asthma and he and Conner being diagnosed with H1N1.  Countless annual family activities were cancelled due to snow (in the SPRING) such as the Spina Bifida Walk.  I lost my grandfather unexpectedly in August from a heart attack and my kids lost their aunt in June to breast cancer.  Also, Trump.  It's been a horrifying, terrifying, saddening, depressing and unhealthy year.

I am not one really for resolutions (or at least I've come to the realization not to make them because I never really keep them) and I've never been one for NYE celebrations.  But this year, my brother is in town from the Virgin Islands and I am freaking ready to bid this year adieu, so this year we shall celebrate!

For 2017, I am hoping, of course, for health.  I am hoping to simply be more available for my kids.  I am going to be more present and awake.  I will be grateful for what we have and really utilize all the time with my family that I do have.  I am ready for a change and ready for a new year.

Although I have made one kind of major decision and that is that I am not going to eat any meat in 2017.  This is not a big deal because I have gone the vegetarian route many times and for many years of my life.  But it is just one of those things that I have decided that I am happier and healthier when I don't eat meat, so I am just not going to go there this year.

I wish everyone a very safe, happy, healthy 2017!  May God have mercy on our souls under a Trump rule and may we all spread kindness and love--but take no shit.  Cheers!

Floral Maxi Dress-Shein
Shearling Leather Jacket-thrifted
Boots-Charlotte Russe
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