November 9, 2015

Mission #70, Day 1--FIRST LADY STYLE--Hillary Clinton

Any one else sick of all of the politician crap?  It's not even a presidential election year amiright????  Get out of our face!  Well in the spirit of all the candidate crap, let's take a look at the style of the ladies who have done what they need to do behind the scenes--first ladies.  And I am not talking politics this week--I'm talking style.

On that note, the first First Lady is controversial for this challenge.  For one, Hillary has now moved from former First Lady to current presidential candidate.  For two, Hillary is far from a style icon.  #pantsuitsfordays  Nonetheless, she is a very well-known First Lady and for that reason, I copied her style for a day.  But not current Hillary.  I went vintage with this one.  I present to you--Hippie Hillary.



Striped Capris-thrifted
White Button Down Blouse-thrifted
Silver Birkenstocks-Target
Necklace-c/o Blue Nile 
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