April 24, 2011

Danke Schoen

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

This Easter morning, I am having a lot of mixed feelings. Without diving into personal details, it's been one of the roughest weeks ever. The loss that I have experienced is very emotionally draining.

Sunnies-Impulse buy at gas station; Earrings and necklace-gifted; Dress-vintage 70's dress from Rockin Robins; Belt-from another shirt from Elle from Kohl's; Shoes-Payless; Silver clutch-gifted

But the bright side of being down is you can start to see how much you have to be grateful for in life. I am so thankful for a job and bosses that are compassionate. I am so thankful for a boyfriend who is helpful, thoughtful and supportive. I am lucky to have an amazing family who love and support each other. In the face of loss, I feel so extremely appreciative of all the memories and moments that I have had with every special person in my life.

So don't let this holiday go by without remembering what it is you are thankful for and be grateful for what you have. Don't dwell on what you don't have. Take pictures. Sing songs. Dance. Tell stories. Listen. And never let a moment go by without embracing the gracious wonder that is this crazy ride called life.

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