April 22, 2011


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Sorry, all I could find was the live version of this song for some reason

On the day that I wore this outfit, I had a court appearance. Nothing major, but I needed something that said "I'm responsible" and mixed it slightly with "kickin' ass and takin' names". I really like how this turned out. I was comfortable (minus the mishap wherein I had to take my belt off at security, thus causing the downfall of my outfit for three minutes) and felt very put together.

Lilac sheath dress-gifted by Heather; Long-sleeved shirt under dress-Elle from Kohl's; Belt-came with another top from Elle from Kohl's; Pearl Necklace-Wal-Mart; Gold watch-gifted; Gold hoop earrings-Kohl's; Bag-Sierra Venna from Kohl's; Sunnies-Elle from Kohl's; Nude Pumps-Vera Wang from Kohl's

You know what the greatest thing about my mom's job is? Ok, she works in the mortgage business. But she happens to work with women who a) love to shop at expensive stores, b) buy a lot of clothes and then end up giving them to those less fortunate (read: me and my mom) and c) are my size. Every few weeks or so my mom calls me up to tell me that one of the lovely ladies that she works with has another haul of clothes for us. About a year ago, I got a truckload of old Coach bags from them! Super score! This lilac sheath dress was just one of such occurrences. On it's own, it seems a little boring, but it has the foundation of a great outfit.

These pumps helped amp up my outfit a bit. I am pretty short, 5'7" (ok 5'4" without heels on), by society's standards. Needless to say I have been long yearning for the bonafide leg lengthening wonder that is proclaimed to be the nude pump. After much ado (and a few saved Kohl's cash coupons), I found my heels. They are still being broken in, but they do wonders for us shorties with a skirt/dress. The length of the heel ads a bit of vamp, I feel.

For the record: Court did go well. I succeeded in kicking ass, taking names and appearing a responsible citizen. That's multitasking people.

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